A. Understanding the Environment
Of the environment according to the law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 Year 1997 on the Management of environmental Life is a unity of space with objects, power, state, and living creatures, including human beings and their behavior mempenagruhi yag viability of human life and well-being and other living creatures. The environment, including natural resources, both globally, and nationally in the history of human civilization has sustained human life.
B. Elements of the Environment
Environment is oenting resource for human life and other living creatures. Environment is underpinned by three elements as the provider of all the needs of human beings and other living things.
1. Biotic elements
Elements of biotic elements that are present in the environment are related to media such as mausia, animals, plants, and microorganisms. Biotic elements is very influential in our lives as if there were no elements of biotic then we do not bias the perfect breed.
2. Abiotic elements
Element tends to abiotic elements found in the environment for life berlangsugnya media such as soil, water, air, sunlight, and others. Abiotic elements as well as elements for life beperngaruh abiotiklah primary need in the course of life.
3. Cultural elements
Elements of the culture is a system of values, ideas and beliefs that people have in determining social behavior such as bmakhluk buildings, clothes, cars, houses, and others. Cultural elements can shape a person's behavior in life.
C. Types of Environment
1. Natural Environment
Natural environment is the natural formation consisting of a variety of natural resources and ecosystems components, both physical and biological. Natural environment is dynamic because it has a high heterogeneity of organisms is very high. Examples of natural environment include: marine ecosystems, ecosystem of the lake, river ecosystems, rainforest ecosystem troips, ekosistemperalihan between land and water or wetlands (swamps and mangrove huta pesisisr).
2. Artificial Environment / Patronage
Environmentalists artificial / man-made built environment that includes built with the help or input technology both simple technology and modern technology. Continuously, humans manage and develop the ecosystem as needed. In artificial ecosystems, generally abiotiknya factors determined by humans as a shaper or maker. Ecosystems will not survive in the absence of human intervention on an ongoing basis. The environment is made less diverse karenakeberadaanya always aligned with the needs of humans. Compared to natural ecosystems, in artificial ecosystems many irregularities. Examples of artificial ecosystems include ecosystems plantations, paddy ecosystems, forest ecosystems industrial plants, pond ecosystem, ecosystem dams, etc. /
3. Social Environment
Social environmental bterbentuk kkarena social interaction in the community. Of environmental social life can form an artificial environment berscirikan certain human behavior as social beings. The relationship between the individual and society are very closely linked and interdependent.
D. Management Environment
Understanding of the environment based on Law No. 23 of 1997 is an integrated effort to preserve environmental functions including policy, regulation, utilization, development, maintenance, restoration, monitoring, and control.
1. The views Immamen and Transcendent
In the ecology, humans are viewed the same as any other living creature. Humans are not selfish, but the emphasis is the harmonious relationship between man and nature. Such a view is called view immamen. However, today people dipandanga beyond nature. The view is called a transcendent.
2. Environmental Management of Human Duties
The nature of environmental management not hanyamengatur environment, but it includes regulating and controlling human activities that it includes regulating and controlling human activities that take place and effect within the limits of the capabilities and limitations of the environment for mendukungya. People need to routinely manage the environment in order to utilize them optimally.
3. Development and Environmental Management
Environmental management Need to be done early so that makinpesat oembangunan implementation can take advantage of the environment through structuring, maintenance, pegawasan, control, recovery and development. Development not only bring benefits, but also poses the risk of environmental damage. Development essentially aims to engender diversity and diversification in economic activities.


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