Sewage lift pump is an essential component of any wastewater treatment system. While most plumbing systems rely on gravity to carry waste material into the discharge rate for processing, wastewater lines occasionally higher than the source of the wastewater itself. In this case, sewage lift pump is used to counteract the effects of gravity and about the waste to its destination.
How sewage lift pump work?
Sewage lift pump, is a major component in the waste sewage lifting system, a large tank where the wastewater is collected along with the material. The tank is a floating device that increase and decrease depending on the level of waste in the tank at any given time. When the tank is filled with waste material and float up to a certain point in it, sewage lift pump will be active. Lift pump wastewater will flow upwards towards the material along the pipe empties into drains (sewers) or septic line where it will continue to be processed. Since the lift pump to move more material from the tank, the float will start to decline. After reaching a certain point on the bottom of the tank, the float will trigger the lift pump to stop operating. All sewage lift pump also has a built-in alarm that will sound if the float fails to operate properly.
Benefits Sewage Lift Pump
One major benefit of the sewage lift pump is that it can be used for residential, commercial, and industrial. The size of the tank and the pump motor power is determined by the volume of waste. System will process every day. If the size and power of the pump increases, the ability to process can be improved to suit the needs of almost any size. System lifting waste is also a major type of system used to process the large mass of waste (by weight), resulting in a rather unique pendesainannya.
When gravity can not be counted on to carry the water imbah gets to its destination, sewage lift system can be a solution to overcome the dilemma of waste transportation.
Sewage lift pump allows the waste to be moved to a higher level of the ground, as opposed to the typical gravity system that moves waste from high elevation to low elevation.


Sewage pump is one of the great innovations of the 20th century and reached its popularity since 1960. Developer has diversified its markets by generating various types of pumps for different conditions.
To pump fluid through the valve outlet or solids, centrifugal pumps using high-force generated by the rotating impeller sentrifigal and. On the other hand, the pump agitator uses kinetic energy to destroy the solids, thus facilitating the transport process.
The types of sewage pumps include:
1. Grinder Pump
Grinder pumps, as the name suggests, is used to crush solids. Grinder pump is a mechanical device that serves shredded waste and removing waste to a higher elevation through pressure sewers. A garbage grinder pump will release the suspense that has been refined into a small diameter pressure pipe. In the low-pressure sewer system (LPSS) downstream of the pipe grinder pump will usually be under low pressure, 60 psi or less.
2. Ejector Pump
Ejector pump using gravity to move sewage difficulties in pengalirannya. There are two types of ejector pumps, among others:
a. Vertically suspended
b. Close-coupled submersibles
The pump helps in the transportation of waste from the building toward the source of the waste disposal system, then from the sewage system into the treatment plant.
3. Immersible and Submersible Pumps
Immersible pump only works when the sink's overall waste motor is protected by a barrier closed. Submersible pumps are in the tank, the motor is protected by oil-filled cavity.
4. Sump Pump
Is an automated water pump mounted on the compartment to remove unwanted water.
5. Centrifugal Pump
A centrifugal pump uses a rotating impeller to increase the speed of the fluid being pumped. The pump, the fluid velocity generated by the centrifugal force. These pumps are used for water-based liquid such as viscosity and flow when the number is greater than a predetermined pressure.
6. Agitator Pump
Used for industry, mining, milling, and power plant or in temapt contained sludge solids accumulate. These pumps agitate the media around the inlet. Since water always flows to the path of least brlawanan, pumps without mechanical agitation will only pump water, leaving the solids accumulate around the pump. Paompa agitation gave stirring solids kinetic energy around the intake pumps.


  1. In my opinion a sewage pumps station is a very important tool in disposing of waste. Your post is very informative. Thanks.

  2. Yes, You are absolutely right.
    You are welcome.


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