Burning waste is an activity that is detected to have a major role in air pollution. The process of burning waste even a small scale was instrumental in increasing the number of pollutants in the air, especially dust and hydrocarbons. It is important to take into account the emissions of air pollution by garbage is particulate emissions due to the combustion process, while emissions from the decomposition process that needs to be considered is the HC emissions in the form of methane gas. Substance or pollutant gases, it is not only harmful to the environment but also directly harmful to humans. Pollutants emitted from incinerators can lead to health problems, trigger cancer (carcinogens).
As an illustration of burning 1 tonne of waste will produce 30 kg of CO gas, the gas if inhaled will bond very strongly with blood hemoglobin that can cause the body will lack the people who inhale O2 and causing death. Burning organic waste will also produce methane gas. Burning pieces of wood will produce formaldehyde compounds that cause cancer. Organic waste is still a bit wet as leaves, twigs, stems, leftover vegetables or fruit when burned will not all burn and will produce solid particles that can fly. A ton of organic waste will produce nine pounds of solid particles that contain harmful hydrocarbons.
Packaging cable, leather, pipe pralon when burned will produce corrosive HCl gas, and nylon, foam found in mattresses, sofas and carpets foaming when burned will produce harmful gases. If burning at temperatures of more than 600oC will produce HCN. Conversely, if carried out at a temperature of less than 500oC will produce isocyanates are also very dangerous.
From the results of research in recent years is said that the burning of household waste in combustion conditions and low temperatures can lead to toxic dioxin gases. Dioxin is a toxic chemical that is there constantly, accumulating in biology and spread in the environment in low concentrations, it also includes materials that are carcinogens that can increase cancer risk to humans. Side effects of dioxin on humans is a hormone system changes, changes in fetal growth, lower reproductive capacity, immune system suppression, and changes in the rate of initial growth of the hormone, as well as in larger doses can cause serious skin disease.
Dioxin has a chemical structure that is very stable and lipophilic ie not soluble in water but soluble in fat. Because of the stability of this structure, it is highly dangerous dioxins, as not to damage or break down and dioxins may be in the soil and accumulate up to 10-12 years. Dioxins are readily soluble in fats that can accumulate in the food relatively high fat content, such as in meat either beef or poultry, milk and processed dairy foods, eggs and even fish. Dioxin compounds discharged into the drains will be carried into rivers and eventually the sea, piling up because of difficult unraveled, and into the body of aquatic animals, including fish, and continue to accumulate in the body until the animal is eaten by humans. This is one of a chain of dioxin entry way into the human body as well as through the air.
In addition to dioxin, the burning of garbage in the open air also creates a thick haze that contain other ingredients such as dust particles that are small which is called particulate matter (PM) size of 10 microns, called PM10. Respiratory filter tool we can not afford this PM10 filter, so it can get into our lungs and can cause respiratory illness (asthma and pneumonia), acute respiratory infections (ARI), inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, allergies, irritation eyes etc..


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