Turbidity describes the optical properties of water are determined based on the amount of light absorbed and emitted by the materials contained in the water. Turbidity is caused by the presence of organic and inorganic suspended and dissolved (eg silt and fine sand). The water has a low turbidity values ​​typically have color values ​​and the color looks the same color as the actual standard.
Turbidity units as measured by the Nephelometric method is NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units). In accordance with the Decree MENKES NO. 907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002 levels of turbidity maximum rate is 5 NTU.Pengukuran yangdiperbolehkan turbidity in water samples by using the Nephelometric method alatturbidimeter. Principles of Nephelometric method is passed padasampel light source and intensity of light reflected by the materials causing turbidity measured using formazin polymer suspension as standard solutions. Well water samples were placed in cuvette TURBIDIMETER, then measured turbidity with a turbidimeter.Hasil obtained for turbidity measurement in water samples was 1.35 NTU.
Relate the high turbidity and suspended solids dissolved. The higher values ​​of dissolved and suspended solids, the value of the turbidity also higher. However, the high dissolved solids is not always followed by the high turbidity. This shows that the total dissolved solids present in the water samples did not pass maksimumyang levels specified by MENKES SK NO. 907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002 at 5 NTU.Kekeruhan the water can be reduced through the application of the method is the process of coagulation and flokulasi.Koagulasi destabilization of negatively charged colloidal particles pad water with the addition of coagulant (a substance that mengkoagulasi) cationic, thus formed aggregates.
Sources: http://www.scribd.com/doc/55977543/Standar-Kualitas-Air-Minum


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