Indonesia has a tropical forest biome biomes denser than subtropical regions. It is estimated that there are three times as many microbes in tropical ecosystems than in other ecosystems, where most of it is as decomposers.Microbes or microorganisms are very tiny organisms that are only visible with the aid of a microscope. Microbes contribute to the balance of natural ecosystems. Without that microbial decomposers, the world is filled with piles of carcasses. Microbial pathogens there are some that are beneficial to human life. Microbes play a role in biogeochemical cycles, soil enrichment, and degradation of harmful chemical compounds.Hazardous chemical compounds or not, but if excessive will cause environmental pollution. Environmental pollution is dominated by human activities. The increase in human population, also increased environmental pollution. Therefore, it needs serious treatment. The presence of alternative technologies for environmental conservation involving microorganisms. Alternative technologies is called bioremediation.Bioremediation is derived from two words bio and remediation that can be defined as the process in solving the problem. Bioremediation is the development of the field of environmental biotechnology by utilizing biological processes in controlling pollution. Bioremediation has the potential to be one of the technology a clean, natural, and least expensive way to anticipate environmental problems. It can be concluded, bioremediation is one technology to solve environmental problems by utilizing the help of microorganisms. Microorganisms in question is yeast, fungi, and bacteria that serve as agents bioremediator.
In addition to microorganisms, it can also make use of aquatic plants as bioremediation. Water plants in general have the ability to neutralize certain components in these waters and is very useful in the treatment of wastewater.Wastewater treatment processes by microbes in degrading harmful chemical compounds in the environment is very important. In the degradation process, the microbes use chemical compounds for growth and reproduction through the process of oxidation. For example, changing chemicals into water and harmless gases such as CO2.When the bioremediation, enzymes produced by microbes modify harmful chemicals by changing the chemical structure called biotransformation. In many cases, biotransformation leads to biodegradation, in which chemical compounds degraded, its structure is complex and ultimately into metabolites that are not harmful and non-toxic.
Bioremediation processMicrobes in processing hazardous chemical compounds can take place if the microbes are suitable and available environmental conditions ideal place to grow microbes such as temperature, pH, nutrients, and the amount of oxygen. Bioremediation applications in Indonesia refers to the decision of the Minister of Environment No. 128 of 2003 regulates the procedures and technical requirements of waste treatment and soil contaminated by petroleum biologically. Bioremediation can be performed using local microbes. In general, in areas polluted number of microbes that are insufficient for bioprocess natural occurrence.Bioremediation technology in stimulating the growth of microbes is done in two ways:1. Biostimulasi is to multiply and accelerate the growth of microbes that already exist in the area polluted by providing the necessary growth environment, the addition of nutrients and oxygen. If the number of microbes present in small amounts, it must be added in high concentrations of microbes that can occur bioprocess. The microbes are added to the previously isolated microbes from contaminated land and then after going through the adjustment process in the laboratory copied and returned to their homeland to start a bioprocess. However, if the necessary conditions are not met, the microbes will grow slowly or die. In general, the necessary conditions can not be found in the contaminated area.2. Bioaugmentasi is the addition of a commercial microbial products into the wastewater to increase efficiency in the processing of biological waste. Barriers mechanism that is difficult to control the polluted site conditions so that microbes can grow optimally. Additionally microbes need to adapt to that environment. In some cases, techniques bioaugmentasi also followed by the addition of certain nutrients.3. Intrinsic bioremediation occurs naturally in water or contaminated soil.
Examples of Bioremediation Research"Bioremediation Waste Pesticide indigen With Microbes"Microbes are indigen natural microbes or microbial locals. In agriculture, the use of long-lasting pesticides will suppress the growth of microbes that function to remodel indigen toxic compounds (organophosphate) is. Therefore, the required isolation of microbes in the laboratory. Organophosphate pesticides have a high toxicity. Class of organophosphate pesticides are pesticides that are widely used in Indonesia, particularly for the control of pests of vegetables and rice. Active compounds such as organophosphate pesticide methyl parathion group. Pseudomonas putida was able to use methyl parathion as a carbon source and a source of phosphorus in its growth. In the first stage of the degradation process, the enzyme organophosphorus acid anhudrase issued by P. putida hydrolyze methyl parathion to p-nitrophenol. While p-nitrophenol further converted into hydroquinone and 1,2,4 benzenetriol will be further converted into acetate maleyl.Pseudomonas putida is able to grow in a simple medium (LB) at the expense of a wide range of organic compounds and easily isolated from soil (coal, tobacco) and fresh water. Optimal growth between 25-30 ⁰ C. P. putida able to degrade benzene, toluene, and ethylbenzene.It should be understood that the microbial growth rate better is not always followed by a process of degradation is high, but so if growth is too low then there will be no significant biodegradation process. The availability of glucose as a carbon source in the media has a significant effect on the rate of degradation, it is related to the rate of growth achieved.In addition to the above issues, degradative enzymes produced by microbes are not able to catalyze degradation reactions of pollutants that are not natural. Solubility in water is very low pollutants and pollutants bind strongly to organic particles or particles of soil. In addition, environmental influences such as pH, temperature, and soil moisture also plays an important role in determining the success of bioremediation processes.
Microbial processes degrades hydrocarbon compoundsPolisiklis aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in oil has a high toxicity. Toxic effects of hydrocarbons contained in the oil progresses through the dissolution of the layer of fat that make up cell membranes, causing loss of fluid or cells against cell death. Resilience of PAH in the environment and toxicity increases with increasing number of rings benzenanya. Several classes of microorganisms are known to have the ability to metabolize PAH. Bacteria and some algae use two molecules of oxygen to begin solving the benzene ring PAHs were catalyzed by dioxygenase enzyme molecules to form cis-dihidrodiol. Most fungi oxidize PAH through the provision of a single molecule of oxygen to form oxide compounds aren catalyzed by cytochrome P-450 monooksigenase. In the white rot fungus, if there H2O2, lignin peroxidase enzyme produced will attract an electron from the subsequent forming PAH compounds. Benzene rings which are independent of PAH further oxidized to other molecules and are used by the microbial cells as an energy source.
BENEFITS bioremediation1. Bioremediation is very safe to use because it uses natural microbes that already exist in the environment (soil).2. Bioremediation not use / add harmful chemicals.3. Not doing the removal of pollutants.


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